Preliminary selection of papers and talks about the use of ML in ATLAS and HEP:
Balázs Kégl's talk at CERN (video)
Evidence for the Higgs Boson Decays to the tau+ tau- Final State with the ATLAS Detector : the Conference note is here
Many references and informations can be found on the web site of the IN2P3 School of Statistics. Here are the open access proceedings of the last edition.
The web site of the TMVA tools also includes talks and reviews (2013).
A review of the techniques used in HEP was given in january 2014 by one of our ATLAS colleagues, Yann Coadou from CPPM Marseille, at this ESIPAP school: look for MVA (2 lectures) and BDT (2 lectures) in the agenda.
Some earlier reviews were given in 2011 in a PHYSTAT meeting.